Sparing patients the ravages of steroids.
We are developing innovative therapies to address unmet needs in both endocrinology and rheumatology.
Leveraging underappreciated insights into the cellular biology of steroids, Sparrow is investigating the ability of our proprietary HSD-1 inhibitor, clofutriben (SPI-62), to treat endocrine disorders caused by the overproduction of cortisol.
Utilizing a completely novel approach, we believe SPI-47, a combination of clofutriben and prednisolone, can revolutionize the treatment of autoimmune and inflammatory disease by delivering the life-changing therapeutic efficacy of glucocorticoid (steroid) medicines without the severe side effects.

New appreciation for the source of intracellular steroids…
…And how they’re regulated.
While most physicians focus on the level of steroids circulating in the bloodstream, we recognize active intracellular steroids as the main cause of toxicities.
The level of active intracellular steroids in key tissues is predominantly regulated by HSD-1. Recent studies have shown that inhibiting HSD-1 can significantly lower active intracellular steroids and mitigate their toxicities.
Introducing clofutriben and SPI-47: Both utilize a highly potent and selective HSD-1 inhibitor.
Clofutriben is an oral, small molecule therapeutic treatment for reducing excess intracellular cortisol and thereby mitigating its adverse effects in patients with tumors that cause the production of excess cortisol.
In development to treat the following conditions:
Endogenous Cushing’s syndrome (Cushing’s) is a rare endocrine disorder of severe cortisol excess, currently treated by therapies with serious side effects that limit their utility. Designed to target a major source of intracellular cortisol, clofutriben may be effective at treating Cushing’s with a stronger safety and tolerability profile.
Endogenous Cushing’s Syndrome (CS) →
Autonomous cortisol secretion (ACS) is a prevalent, yet serious disorder resulting from moderate cortisol excess. Today, the only recommended treatment is surgery, which carries its own inherent risks. Clofutriben has the potential to become the first approved medical therapy for patients with ACS, providing a safer, more accessible option.
SPI-47 combines clofutriben with an efficacious steroid medicine to potentially relieve debilitating inflammation with fewer side effects.
In development to treat the following condition:
Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) is the most common autoimmune disease of the elderly, primarily treated by steroid medicines known to cause severe side effects. SPI-47 aims to achieve the same efficacy of steroid while mitigating their associated toxicities.